Ring “After Nature II” 2022, bronze fire gilded

red gold 750

silver 925


stainless steel

red gold 750


Gold750, enamel

Gold750, cast iron. Box bakelite.

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“Goldmary’s Nightmare” Bernhard Schobinger 2012, ring, gold 999, gold 750, malachite.

Helen Drutt Collection USA. Photo by Bernhard Schobinger

“Kinetic Wedding Rings” Bernhard Schobinger 2019, yellow gold, white gold. Made of rings all found by diving in the lake Zurich/Switzerland.

Helen Drutt Collection USA. Photo by Bernhard Schobinger

“Sägenring” Bernhard Schobinger 2015. steel, bronce, enamel.

Helen Drutt Collection USA. Photo by Bernhard Schobinger


Antique faience ceramic from Samarkand, bakelith, gold750.

Frei-Ehrensperger Collection Zurich/Switzerland

Glass, gold750, freshwater pearl, keshipearls.

Collect 2020 Award, object of the fair. Privat collection London UK

Wedding Rings of white and yellow gold found by scuba diving in the lake of Zurich.

Helen Williams Drutt Collection

glass, gold750, aluminium cup

*for sale – if interested please contact: bernhard [@] schobinger.ch